Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain oz-deti-patria-rodicom.webnode.sk will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.
Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019.
Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site oz-deti-patria-rodicom.webnode.sk will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you.
My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL
Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements:
+ abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam
+ tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam
+ Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam
+ complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever
+ for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars
All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.
Do you want this?
If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL
How do I do all this to get this result:
1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people.
And everyone will not care that it is not you.
2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address oz-deti-patria-rodicom.webnode.sk and your contact details.
And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site.
3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site oz-deti-patria-rodicom.webnode.sk.
After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life.
Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently.
All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life.
If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019.
The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.
Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well.
But get a reputation as a malicious spammer.
My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL
Kniha návštev
Dátum: 24.05.2019
Titulok: Abuse and lifetime blocking of the site - oz-deti-patria-rodicom.webnode.sk.
Dátum: 29.05.2018
Titulok: How To Prevent Prostate Problems And Diseases?
The prostate is a vital section of a male's reproductive :. It secretes fluids that help the transportation and activation of sperm. The prostate related can be found just as you're watching rectum, below the bladder and all around the urethra. When there is prostate problem, in most cases really really irritating and inconvenient to the patient as his urinary strategy is directly affected.
The common prostate health conditions are prostate infection, enlarged prostate and prostate type of cancer.
Prostate infection, often known as prostatitis, is easily the most common prostate-related symptom in men younger than 55 years old. Infections in the prostate are classified into four types - acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic abacterial prostatitis and prosttodynia.
Acute bacterial prostatitis could be the least common coming from all varieties of prostate infection. It is caused by bacteria perfectly located at the large intestines or urinary tract. Patients may feel fever, chills, body aches, back pains and urination problems. This condition is treated through the use of antibiotics or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve the swelling.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis is often a condition of a particular defect in the gland and also the persistence presence of bacteria in the urinary tract. It can be due to trauma on the urinary tract or by infections via other parts from the body. A patient can experience testicular pain, spine pains and urination problems. Although it is uncommon, it is usually treated by removal from the prostate defect as well as making use antibiotics and NSAIDs to deal with the inflammation.
Non-bacterial prostatitis makes up about approximately 90% of prostatitis cases; however, researchers have not yet to create the sources of these conditions. Some researchers believe chronic non-bacterial prostatitis occur due to unknown infectious agents while other feel that intensive exercise and lifting might cause these infections.
Maintaining a Healthy Prostate
To prevent prostate diseases, an effective meals are important. These are some of the actions you can take and also hardwearing . prostate healthy.
1. Drink sufficient water. Proper hydration is important for overall health and it will also maintain the urinary track clean.
2. Some studies advise that a couple of ejaculations per week will assist you to prevent cancer of the prostate.
3. Eat steak moderately. It has been shown that consuming over four meals of beef every week will heighten the likelihood of prostate diseases and cancer.
4. Maintain a proper diet with cereals, vegetable and fruits to ensure sufficient intake of nutrients needed for prostate health.
The most important measure to consider to be sure a normal prostate would be to opt for regular prostate health screening. If you are forty years of age and above, you should choose prostate examination at least a year.
Dátum: 16.04.2016
Titulok: Anglicke socialni sluzby,odebrani novorozence!!!
Dobry den, odebrali nam v UK dceru hned po narozeni, nikdy jsme svym ci jinym detem nezkrivili ani vlasek a milujeme je celym srdcem a za to nas i ony bezdecne miluji zpet! Zoufale se snazime ji dostat zpet do sve pece! Muze nam nekdo prosim pomoci?! Alex
Dátum: 05.03.2015
Titulok: Ochrana dcérky, ktorú týral jej otec
Dodnes mam hrozu z toho, ze v oktobri 2013 som sa skontaktovala s OZ Deti patria rodicom. V novembri 2013 ma policia v Senici (okr. SE) uvaznila - dovod? Lebo si tak policajti rozmysleli - obvinenia mali (od mojho ex), dokazy NEMAJU, len proste konaju, lebo si tak myslia A NEMALI ANI ROZSUDOK SUDU K MOJMU UVAZNENIU. Zlatka s Monikou pomohli ochranit moju dcerku (vtedy 4r.) A PO 24 HOD. SA IM PODARILO, aby ma policia PREPUSTILA NA SLOBODU. Preco ma vlastne uvaznili? Jednoduche - moj ex, ktory TYRAL NASU DCERKU (vtedy 2,5 r.) podal na mna trestne oznamenie, lebo k nemu dcerka odmietala po negativnych skusenostiach ist. Psychologicky posudok, sprava od uradnicky z UP v Senici - NIC MOJU DCERKU NEOCHRANI - PRETOZE JU NECHCE OCHRANIT SUD, socialka kona iba takto "TO MY NEMOZEME": O, pardon - si myslia, ze ked na urade nepracujem, neviem, ze kompetencie maju, IM SA LEN NECHCE KONAT. Bojim sa, co sa stane dcerke alebo mne - KED STAT NECHRANI DIETA ani mna. Moj ex tyral svoje dieta (jeho mama aktivne u toho !!! "to je v dnesnej modernej dobe milujuca babicka" !!! MOJ EX SA MI VYHRAZAL ZABITIM (nahravku z telefonatu mam) - a ON ZA TO NEBOL OBVINENY !!! Zlatka a Monika ma drzia nad vodou, aby som to zvladla - KTO BY (AK NIE JA) ochranil moju dcerku pred otcom tyranom???
Dátum: 05.03.2015
Titulok: Re:Ochrana dcérky, ktorú týral jej otec
Dátum: 05.03.2015
Titulok: Re:Re:Ochrana dcérky, ktorú týral jej otec
VELIKANSKA VDAKA ODO MNA AJ MOJEJ DCERKY ZA VASU POMOC, ZLATKA A MONIKA. DAKUJEM VAM, ZE ASPON VY MI VERITE A POMAHATE. Nase urady a sudy konat nechcu a policajti si vymysleli (podla vlastneho pocitu), ze som "kriminalnik" - lebo sa o svoju dcerku bojim a ked k otcovi nejde, netaham ju k branke za ruku alebo nohu, aby som ju S VRESKOM A PLACOM NASILIM ODOVZDALA otcovi. A "milujuci tatinek" sa pozera, ako jeho dcerka trpi a takisto aj milujuca babka - VEDOME UBLIZUJU MALEMU DIETATU. Dakujem aj ZA ODBORNE RADY, ktorymi ste mi pomohli. A ospravedlnujem sa, ze som si po sebe neprecitala, A STRATILA POINTU MOJEJ PRVEJ VETY 1.prispevku. Dakujeme Vam.
Dátum: 22.05.2015
Titulok: Re:Ochrana dcérky, ktorú týral jej otec
Nerozumiem.Ex týral dcérku a vás uväznili? To začo? Že ste sa podielali? On je vojak?
Príspevok 5.3.2015 ako to je teraz?Moja kamarátka má tiež problém ale ona s druhom nežije.
Dátum: 24.08.2015
Titulok: Re:Re:Ochrana dcérky, ktorú týral jej otec
Ahoj Bea, ďakujem Ti za podporu. Nie, jej otec nie je vojak, ani policajt, ani nebol - iba si to poistil, vyšpekuloval, ako sa ma zbaví a pomstí sa mi, že som pristúpila na jeho návrh - rozvod (a nevrátila sa opäť k nemu).
Dozvedela som sa asi pred 2 mesiacmi, že to je skorumpované - senické úrady. On mňa aj zabiť môže - veď sa vyhrážal niekoľkokrát - a mne stále hrozí, že mňa zatvoria za to, čo som nezapríčinila ja, ale on sám - to, že k nemu dcérka nechce ísť. Vyhráža sa mi, že uvidím, keď toto z internetu nedám preč.. Takisto aj jeho matka obťažuje DPR, aby bol môj príspevok vymazaný a ešte sa vyhráža, že mi nedá pokoj a stále budú na mňa podávať trestné oznámenia. Tak si urob sama úsudok - a policajti, úrady v okrese SE NIČ nerobia - nechránia toho, kto potrebuje a prosí o pomoc, ale ten, kto si cez známosti vybavil. A určite aj zaplatil. A korupcia - dokázať treba, inak vyšetrovanie skončí tým, že sa nič nedeje a všetko je akože s poriadkom - v zmysle zákona (lebo sa ani nič nevyšetruje). Je to hnus, že 3,5-roka môže nejaký psychopat robiť zo života peklo vlastnému dieťaťu a bývalej - takému nič nehrozí? Naozaj - čo to potom sú zákony u nás v SR? To musíme volať do EÚ o pomoc - na súdy EÚ??? je to choré
Dátum: 24.08.2015
Titulok: Re:Ochrana dcérky, ktorú týral jej otec
Ahoj Ada B. Hovoríš, že on dal návrh na rozvod.Čo vyšpekuloval? Tak prečo by sa Ti potom Tvoj ex-manžel mal pomstiť, keď sa on rozviedol s Tebou. Myslím si, že v SR máme veľmi dobré zákony.
Prečo si myslíš, že sú úrady skorumpované?
Dátum: 26.10.2014
Titulok: Sofiina volba
Veľmi pekná a hlavne dôležitá webová stránka! Veľká VĎAKA Obč.združeniu Deti patria rodičom!!! Vďaka Vám sa dnes môžeme tešiť z detí ktoré ste nám pomohli dostať z pazúrov anglickej sociálky! Prajem Vám veľa úspechov!